Monday, May 7, 2012

Commercial for LEGO City

Well, it turns out that our April Fool's joke wasn't actually that far from the truth...  We had entered two pitches to the LEGO City Stop Motion Project on, and had kept it as quiet as possible, not wanting to raise any false hopes.  Earlier today, however, us and four others were given $500 to make a commercial for the LEGO City product line!  We are really excited about this project, and we hope that we will also do well in the next phase, and earn more money towards The Squire And The Scroll!  While this does mean we will be taking a break from the Squire And The Scroll, if we are successful in the video stage, we could win up to $10,000!!  We intend to give this our best shot, and will be putting a lot of time and effort into this project.
Here you can see us and the four others that won!